She Gathers Beauty | Living Your Wildly Naked Truth
Sept. 20, 2020

Leave Rose Petals at the Gate: A Message from the Mistress of Longing

Leave Rose Petals at the Gate: A Message from the Mistress of Longing

I channel a message from the Mistress of Longing for the audience of She Gathers Beauty | Living Your Wildly Naked Truth. The entry point is the last line of Her poem and the last chapter of the book.
“Belonging is a co-creative act—a sacred collaboratio...

I channel a message from the Mistress of Longing for the audience of She Gathers Beauty | Living Your Wildly Naked Truth. The entry point is the last line of Her poem and the last chapter of the book.

“Belonging is a co-creative act—a sacred collaboration.” The Mistress of Longing shares why offerings are important and what the line “leave rose petals at the gate, I will come” holds for all of now during these uncertain and pivotal times.

”You are not alone.” The Mistress wants us to know this. Remember this Truth. Small gestures can help us root into this knowing. 

Ritual for the New Moon: bringing “what is” to the blank canvas of our lives; placing our gaze on something “greater,” being lifted, liberated, celebrated.

The importance of understanding and being with the dance of what we want and long for and what is getting in the way. What’s working? What isn’t?

Creating a “nest” for ourselves and others by coming home to the presence available within and around us. Making our way toward safety is nourishment. 

Osho’s quote, “be realistic. expect a miracle.” Readying ourselves for swift miracles—being open to the innocent source inside of us that enables us to receive blessings—even during times of great upheaval, loss, death, and challenge—“leaving rose petals at the gate” is a way to offer and hold an aspiration to bring ease and relief to those experiences.

Quenching the thirst within you and around you. Life wants to provide holy water to the places and spaces that need it. 

Collaboration with the inhale and exhale of life.

The Mistress of Longing shares practical ways to leave rose petals at the gate.

Accessing wisdom and grace from the above and below.

This moment is ceremony because you are (w)holy = whole and holy. Now. Already. You are. 

May you remember you are sacred. This moment is ceremony. And you get to live your wildly, naked truth. 


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