She Gathers Beauty | Living Your Wildly Naked Truth
April 2, 2021

Rites of Passage: Revelation, Connection, Transformation and Honoring Heart Fire

Rites of Passage: Revelation, Connection, Transformation and Honoring Heart Fire

Today Wendy explores the importance of connection, discovering, knowing, engaging with being touched both literally and figuratively by life, by living, and by nature and what is being shown to us daily.
Enjoy the poem “She Aches.”
Guided imagery and med...

Today Wendy explores the importance of connection, discovering, knowing, engaging with being touched both literally and figuratively by life, by living, and by nature and what is being shown to us daily.

Enjoy the poem “She Aches.”

Guided imagery and meditations are sprinkled throughout this episode. 

Letting your heart fire expand luminosity throughout and around your entire being.

How is Nature asking you to engage with your inner experience? 

What is longing to wake up within you? What wants to be born? What is blooming? What is ready for a “re-set?”

How is this awakening revealing old beliefs that are ready to be transmuted into a new way of being and living?

What do you desire to receive? In what ways can you create space to do so? 

In the Northern Hemisphere, Spring is displaying all the ways life aches for life. To ache truly is a wild and holy thing.

In fact, it’s very good news.

We were encoded with this truth—at the center of it all, longing leads us to connection. 

You were built to receive. You are worthy of being invested in, in every way. You are meant to be celebrated, honored, seen, supported. 

The importance of rites of passage, the ways we have lost this incredibly sacred way of honoring, and how I will soon be sharing this practice in a way that is profoundly essential to the individual and the collective. 

A few ways COVID has been a rite of passage.

Longing to touch, be touched, hold and be held—this is a wisdom to pay attention to and invite in curiosity to help support this deep aching. 

Discerning and gathering sovereignty, self trust, choice, and capacity.

In this episode, I also share ways to engage with #longingproject, what’s at the heart of it, what does longing really mean and why does it matter?

  • Send a postcard to longing c/o Wendy Havlir Cherry, PO Box 6112, Asheville, NC 28816

  • Share it on social media using #longingproject and #shegathersbeauty

  • Leave it as an offering in a public place

  • Build an altar with it

  • Give it to someone you love

  • Or whatever feels most resonant for you!

You can also visit

I’ll be announcing my new signature offering soon! Stay tuned to the next episode to learn more about that, as well as ways to enjoy my current offerings before they’re no longer available.

Thank you for listening. I am so honored and delighted to share this space with you. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review. This helps this podcast be found, heard and received all over the world, continuing to build a sacred movement of passionate bone knowing and living our wild naked truth!